فنون یادگیری Study Skills (292)

وضعیت : موجود

قیمت : 370,000 ریال

  • Embarking on higher education is a new experience for most of the university
    students. And whenever we are faced with a new situation, we tend to fall back on
    our old experiences and habits and make use of what we already know. However,
    in many instances, our old habits may prove inefficient, and this is exactly the case
    for most of university students: Their previous training is not suitable for dealing
    adequately with their college studies and assignments. The result is disappointment
    and frustration.
    The teaching of Study Skills has developed from the realization that many

مشخصات کلی

  • قطع
  • پوشش جلد

مشخصات فنی

  • نویسنده
    رامین اکبری ، سید اکبر مبرحسنی
  • مترجم
  • ناشر
  • موضوع
    زبان تخصصی
  • تعداد صفحات
  • تاریخ آخرین چاپ
  • شابک
امتیاز کاربران به: فنون یادگیری Study Skills (292)
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